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Join The CDM Community

Get the inside scoop on dance medicine tips and resources, and stay up to date on the latest CDM news and offerings by subscribing to our monthly newsletter, Raising the Barre.

We're excited you're here!

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CDM Charlotte

3420 Park Rd, Charlotte (inside VIM FIT)

CDM Huntersville

9820 Northcross Center Ct, Huntersville

CDM Harrisburg

12036 University City Blvd, Harrisburg (inside Dance Fusion of Harrisburg)

CDM Stallings

4416 Potter Rd, Stallings

(inside Level Up Dance)

Join The CDM Community

Get the inside scoop on dance medicine tips and resources, and stay up to date on the latest CDM news and offerings by subscribing to our monthly newsletter, Raising the Barre.

We're excited you're here!

©2022-2024 Head2Toe Physical Therapy, LLC dba Charlotte Dance Medicine

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